SALAR International
SALAR International is a part of the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. We work globally to strengthen democracy and good governance at the local level. We focus on the development of well-functioning local and regional administrations. Our vision is a world where all people have the power to shape their own lives in inclusive local democracies and sustainable communities.
What we do
Democracy and accountability
We believe in the principle of subsidiarity, where decisions are taken as close to communities as possible. This allows for resources to be allocated in a way that responds to local needs, and for development challenges to be identified and tackled.
Rights, participation and equality
We seek to support inclusive and peaceful societies, where people and groups participate in decision-making. We strive to implement a rights-based approach, underpinned by principles of non-discrimination and participation. Service delivery by local governments can be a key vector for promoting social inclusion.
Resilience and sustainability
As local and regional governments and communities around the world are faced with fast-paced changes, social, economic, and ecological sustainability becomes paramount. Resilience, including absorptive, adaptive, and transformative capacities to respond to threats and challenges, is at the core of our work.
Global response to local challenges
The world today is interconnected, and global challenges are most keenly felt at the local level. Therefore we seek to use examples from the local level to influence global response and support local government´s ability to implement their mandate and serve citizens.
Municipalities from North Macedonia Gain Insights from Swedish Experiences in Sustainable Waste Management
6 pilot municipalities from South-west and Pelagonija regions of North Macedonia discuss collaborative waste management initiatives during a study visit to Sweden, organised by SALAR Interna... News North Macedonia -
Sida, Avfall Sverige and SALAR sign agreement on new programme to support municipal waste management in Ukraine
Sida, Avfall Sverige and SALAR have signed an agreement for implementing the programme Strengthening of Municipal Waste Management in Ukraine (2024–2027), representing a long-term initiative... News Ukraine
Sida and SALAR Sign Agreement on New Programme to Support Democracy, Decentralisation and Recovery in Ukraine
News Ukraine -
Best Practices and Opportunities in Reconstruction and Recovery Discussed at “Rethinking Cities in Ukraine” Conference
News Ukraine -
Improving local governance in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
News Bosnia and Herzegovina
Support to Public Administration Reform and EU alignment in Moldova
Moldova Democracy and accountability, Rights, participation and equality -
Support to Decentralisation Reforms and Recovery in Ukraine
Ukraine Democracy and accountability, Resilience and sustainability -
Inclusive Local Governance Programme (INLOG) for local government actors in the MENA Region
Algeria, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Syria Democracy and accountability, Rights, participation and equality